Monash University

Monash University

Institution rating
Positive career impact
Recommended by students

About us

  • Monash University offer a wide range of degrees at their campuses in Melbourne and online
  • A global outlook – join an industry and research-focused community
  • Access state-of-the-art facilities

Student reviews

How do students rate their experience?

Average rating of 952 course reviews

Current and industry-relevant content
Course content compared to what was expected
Balance between theory and practical work
Quality of teachers and academic support
Ability to balance study with your other commitments
Assistance to help you find a job
Quality of online study portal
Transparency of course fees

What are students saying about their experience?

952 course reviews

Published May 2024
Bachelor of Business (Marketing)Monash University
Graduation date2021
Study mode
Student review
Unfortunately, due to COVID, I couldn't experience the best of this course. However, I believe that the university did the best it could to still offer the best experience possible through its online offering. However, the coursework was probably too much to the point that many of my study classmates and I were struggling to keep up, as we also had commitments outside of the university.
Published May 2024
Monash University
Graduation date2023
Study mode
Student review
Provides very relevant teaching and expertise for wound care to all comers of the healthcare industry. Theory heavy however and could do with more hands on, practical teaching or workshops throughout the course of the whole Masters. Balancing 2 subjects per semester with a full time or close to full time job will be difficult, mark my words. Be prepared to make compromises if you intend to finish the whole Masters course in the quickest time intended.
Published Apr 2024
Graduation date2022
Study mode
Student review
It teaches all the basics about computer, programming, systems, etc. There are many clubs and activities that would support students in their skill progression. However, the courses feels lacking. I studied during, through, and after covid 19, where uni transition to full online class and the faculty was not prepared. Many courses i want to take was dropped/removed.

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Where can I find this institution?

Available campuses

  • Alfred Hospital (AMREP)
  • Caulfield
  • Clayton
  • Melbourne City
  • Parkville
  • Peninsula
Online study also available

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